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Fish Oil Tablets Help In Improving “Dark Adaptation Capabilities”

Fish Oil Tablets Help In Improving “Dark Adaptation Capabilities”

According to a new study, fish oil supplements can considerably enhance “night vision.” Scientists from Loughborough University studied whether DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)—which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid present in fish oils—improved “dark adaptation capabilities.” This is a process the eyes experience while adjusting to new levels of light. DHA—which is mainly found in herring, mackerel, tuna, and halibut—is present in the retina in high concentrations but is not synthesized in the body. During the study, a group of 19 volunteers took four omega-3 tablets daily for 4 Weeks.

Lead authors Dr. Jim Reynolds and Dr. Paul Kelly, from the School of Science, stated that by analyzing blood levels before, throughout and after study, the team reported of direct interrelation between fatty acid levels in the body and alterations in visual capability. Dr. Kelly stated, “This is the first time that dark adaptation has been associated with fish oil’s fatty acids through direct measurement of amounts into the blood. The rising and falling levels of the acids showed the rise and fall in visual acuity. You can imagine this finding beneficial for anyone who needs their night vision to be best as possible—people in the military, police, or forensic scientists searching for fluorescent clues in the dark, for instance.”

On a similar note, recently a study showed that fish oil supplements can treat depression. Fish oil supplements might alleviate depression in some people. A few studies in adults indicate that omega-3 fatty acids might aid in treating mild-to-moderate depression, but additional research is required. Reportedly, fish oil is an ideal source of omega-3 fatty acids—that has a major role in brain function. People suffering from depression might have lower blood levels of brain chemicals known as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which are found in fish oil.

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